Current real estate statistics

Data on average property prices in Almería capital

Data on average property prices in Roquetas de Mar (incl. Aguadulce) 

Data on average property prices in Mojácar 

Data on average property prices in Níjar (Cabo de Gata) 

Price development in the city of Almería and comparison of percentage changes in relation to size 

Province price comparison (Almería provincia 1,203 EUR/m2) 

Price development in Almeria city and changes from (December, October, January 2023) 

Price changes compared to January 2024, December and November 2023 (monthly, quarterly, annually) 

Price development in Roquetas (incl. Aguadulce) and changes from (December, October, January 2023) 

Price development by area of ​​the Roquetas region 

Price changes compared to January 2024, December and November 2023 (monthly, quarterly, annually) 

Price development in El Toyo and changes from (December, October, January 2023) 

Price changes compared to January 2024, December and November 2023 (monthly, quarterly, annually)